Innovative Teaching Practices

The teaching learning process is very essential as it enhances knowledge, helps to develop skills, builds confidence, and creates a positive impact on the life of students. Students should be able to work in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary environment and create solutions to complex problems of engineering. The main objective is to achieve 360-degree growth and to achieve this holistic education is necessary along with core learning. The students are exposed to various tools and technologies as per industry requirements to make them globally employable. The teaching learning process requires the combined efforts of teachers as well as students. It is basically a transformation of knowledge from teachers to students. .

Before Autonomy, sessions by industry experts and academicians were arranged to expose students to emerging trends in career. Complete courses from NPTEL and graded courses through portals like coursera, udemy were offered. RBL, ABL was added to curriculum and skill development sessions were arranged by T&P cell.

After Autonomy blended teaching learning process along with continual learning process was followed. Introduction of RBL, PBL, ESD which provides insights to students, PBE for competitiveness as well as Coding club by T&P to improve the coding skills. Faculty members adopted many Online Tools to evaluate & improve the interaction among the students. They have also developed structured and guided learning resources (E-contents) for conduction of lectures (PPTs, Videos, Quizzes and design of experiments using Virtual Lab).

The Effective teaching-learning process is an essential condition for academic success. For effectiveness, Course allocation to faculty members is very critical. Course allocation is done at the end of the ongoing semester. Allocation is done based on a competency matrix developed at the institute level. Advance course allocation enables the faculty to plan lessons with the necessary amendment of course objectives and course outcomes to simplify learning, syllabus detailing, and use of pedagogy and technology are also planned. To bring uniformity and consistency in TLP at institute as well as at department level, plans are duly approved by the Head of the department, vice principal and the principal. It consists of the activities planned for the semester which includes internal assessment test dates, conduction of activities like organizing guest lectures, workshops, conferences, technical/cultural/sports week, parent teacher meeting, project presentation, Term End Submission etc. The students are made aware of the timetable, academic calendar and roll list by updating the same on the Institute website, ERP and notice board a few days before the start of the semester. Teachers are also appointed as class teachers for the respective class. The soft and hard copies of the lecture notes, course file along with assignments are prepared by subject teaching faculty well in advance. The faculty prepares and updates the course file which include detailed teaching plan, laboratory plan along with notes and other study material, university question papers along with the solution, assignment questions and their expected answers etc. Laboratory manual explaining the details of the experiment, designing issues are available with the course teacher.

Wide variety of instructional methods and pedagogical initiatives are adopted at the department of Computer Engineering to enhance TLP effectiveness. Continuous implementation of PDCA cycle has contributed to implementation of pedagogical initiatives in the department’s teaching learning process. Laboratory performance of students is enhanced by addition of case studies / mini projects, design of additional experiments, conduction of mock Practical/Oral to assess learning. Students are exposed to real world problems, and they are encouraged to learn by doing Mini and Minor projects at second- and third-year levels. Collaborative Learning through various activities such as ABL, RBL, PBL, PS, ESD, Internships, Professional Body Activities, Tech-Fest, Cultural Fest etc. were also conducted to ensure overall Holistic Development of the students. Use of ICT via Video conferencing tools, Virtual labs/ online editors/ assessment tools, NPTEL, Coursera, E-contents (Resource Books, Interactive PPTs, Video Lectures, Question banks etc) are provided to the students through ERP and online platforms at the start of every semester. In-campus and remote access to e-books and research papers is provided by the Learning Resource Centre.

The various activities in the syllabus, which involve project development are Project Based Learning, Research Based Learning, Capstone project and Major project.

  • Background: In the beginning of the Semester III (2nd year), students are oriented about the domains in the department. In the PBL activity, students design and develop projects as per the theme decided by the institute PBL incharge. In Semester V, RBL activities are conducted in which students are motivated to design and develop projects based on research, societal or industry relevance. In the Semester VII, Students take up the in-house or outhouse projects from the perspective of industry.
  • Activity Based Learning (ABL): ABL provides rich and varied experiences to the students, thereby building their knowledge, boosting creativity skills and increasing cognitive skills.Activity based learning (ABL) includes Student presentations, brainstorming, role play, debate and quiz.
  • Project Based Learning (PBL): PBL creates a platform for conducible learning environment for undergraduate students for their overall professional growth. It includes theme based project development where students take up any topic according to the theme. The theme is changed every semester and decided on institute level by the PBL in charge. Week wise calendar is prepared to implement the project in different phases. The SE and TE students implement group projects through this course based on the technology. Students are instructed about the themes for project development in PBL orientations. The guides are allotted to the groups, presentation and evaluation is done during the semester. The outcome is in the form of project competition, presentations etc.
  • Research Based Learning (RBL): This course is focused to engage the students in research by upgrading domain knowledge by participation in technical quiz and debate, critical thinking, innovative idea generation, problem solving, coding, industry linkage, paper writing, project competition, poster making, seminars on patents and technical writing. RBL activities are conducted for both TE and BE students. Week wise RBL calendar is prepared to design, implement the project. Students form groups and are assigned a guide from the department as well as a mentor from the industry. Project proposals with PPT slides are prepared in consultation with the guide. Students are motivated to take part in research activities and competitions outside college, apply for grants etc.
  • Capstone project: The elective subjects have capstone projects, these projects can be developed using the latest tools and technologies. Students take up topics of their interest, design and develop projects using the new tools in that field, providing more hands-on usage of specific tools .During the submission students submit the report for the same
  • Major Project: The objective of the final year project is to broaden the learning scope of syllabus via multidisciplinary learning by providing an opportunity to students to further develop the managerial skills, creative skills by developing novel engineering solutions and communication skills and also present other connected skills. The students carry forward the projects topics (societal, industrial, research use) selected in RBL in TE, and refine it based on the topics trending in the Industry. Students can also take projects in industry as outhouse projects. The application can be processed through T&P cell. The students are encouraged to publish their work in journals and conferences, and participate in project competitions. The project groups communicate with industries and form linkage in the form of outhouse projects, consultancies etc. Various grants are available to the students for assisting in their projects. The evaluation is done by the internal guides and external industry mentors.

This process is aimed to encourage and motivate the stakeholders for active participation in R&D, Project activities to increase productivity. These activities upgrade the students’ domain knowledge, soft skills, team building skills and presentation skills. Students are also encouraged to participate in project competition to get the work validated by external experts. Project design and development makes students think beyond the boundaries of the classroom, helping them apply their skills, improve their behavior, and the confidence necessary for success in the outside world. The HSD activities are conducted for the overall development of the students .These activities help in enhancement of courses and make the program more futuristic

Industrial Visit provide students with an insight regarding internal working of companies. It provides students a practical perspective on the world of work. It provide students an insight regarding the internal working of companies. It provide an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices. Outhouse Internship is helpful for suitable industry oriented skill based training for students’ professional careers which are similar in some ways to apprenticeships for trade and vocational jobs. This would help students to understand the working environment of the organization.

Internship programs have been implemented to ensure industry readiness of students and impart industry important technical skills, students are made to work on live projects during internships. Training programs conducted by T & P cell, help to improve aptitude and technical skills of the students. The training has enabled students to get recruited by multinational companies and has aided them in getting admissions into MS programs in prestigious universities across the globe. The training has aided students in gaining valuable industry knowledge and understanding the workplace culture. The training has enabled the students to understand the needs of the industry. The training has enabled the students to cultivate teamwork and leadership skills.